Familie van den Heuvel

Genealogy Van den Heuvel

This is the genealogy from the Van den Heuvel family.

Originally from Veghel and Uden, the Netherlands.

The translation of the family name in English is “from the Hill”.

There are (small) hills, mostly a kind of dunes or sand ridges, in the Netherlands. The origin of our family is from the region Veghel, a place in the south-east of the Netherlands.

In Veghel there is a hamlet named Heuvel. Heuvel was first mentioned in 1394 as Den Hoevel, possibly referring to the fief Heuvel. The hamlet / fief was most likely named Heuvel because it is located on a sand ridge (heuvel in dutch).

Van den Heuvel is a very common name in the Netherlands.

The family crest on the lithograph of the family tree, commissioned by Antonius van den Heuvel (1803-1864) in 1858, is a graphic decoration of this lithography.

It shows three lime-trees / linden on hills / a sand ridge. A lime tree was a very common tree on the sandy soils of this region.

The three trees on the hills represent the three sons of the ancestor/forefather: Joannes, Gerardus and Antonius. They represent the three branches of the graphic family tree.

The graphic family tree seems to be an oak tree.

On this page you can see the family tree (stamboom), the original is a lithograph with gold and silver, and the family crest (familie wapen) in two variants.

Here you can find the known genealogy of the family (in Dutch).

You can also find a clarification of the family tree (in Dutch). It is a translation of an originally handwritten text (on the right side).


Family tree Van den Heuvel

Family crest van den Heuvel

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